This page dedicated to RAA and all trail riders!

If you have discovered a bridle path that is open to the public and you would like to share it with us,
please email me and I will gladly add it to this page. Trailhoss
The RAA Program
The Racking Horse is one of the smoothest rides of any breed whether
in the show ring or on the trail, and the Pleasure Association has began a nationwide program
for our trail pleasure racking horses. You must be a member of the Racking Horse Breeders
Association, own a registered Racking Horse, and be a member of the Pleasure Association
to participate.
"Rack Across America" Rules
1. Horse must be registered with the RHBAA. Hours go with the horse. 2. Rider must be a
current member of the RHBAA as well as a current member of the Pleasure Association.
Hours can only be logged while your memberships are current. A rider does not need to
own the horse to count the hours, but must have current memberships. 3. Hours logged must
be forward moving hours (i.e. time spent visiting, sitting, and picniking will not
count) 4. Activities that do not count would be: ride time at a recognized show,
competitive trail or endurance ride, spectator equine event. These are covered under the
Versatility Program for RHBAA and should be included as points for those categories.
5. All hours must be logged in the Rack Across America program log. Round your time to
the nearest hour. 6. Upon completion of 50, 100, 250, 500, and 1000 hours, the rider
should send the travel log to the designated RHBAA representative listed below. Your
patch, halos and final bars will be awarded at the next annual Winter Meetings awards
ceremony. If the rider cannot attend, then the awards will be mailed after the ceremony.
Awards are as follows:
50 hours: initial RHBAA patch
100 hours: half-bar to go around the patch
250 hours: half-bar
500 hours: final bars and halter
1000 hours: champion bridle or blanket
Accomplishments will be published in The Racking Review PO Box 777 Waynesboro, TN 38485.
Please send a picture(s) and write-up of the rider and horse and some experiences you've
had as you participate through the year. For more information contact: Margie Smith
17608 Old Gettysburg Rd. Emmitsburg, MD 21727 phone:301-447-6119 or e-mail:
Our Breed Registration Books are open. If you would like to register your horse see our
commissioners page for a commissioner in your area. A horse may be registered by a
licensed commissioner if he/she is performing a four-beat gait.
just click here and... Let's Hit The Trails!